Citizenships: Tunisian and French,
2 sons
Consultant in : Mineralogy, mineral resources, ore deposits, geochemistry and economic mineralogy
Ancien Chercheur Resident in the Isotope lab Center of the USGS Denver, Colorado USA
Fulbrighter (2003/2004)
Main fields: Mineralogy, isotope geochemistry (stable and radogenic isotopes), ores deposits and metallogeny, raw materials and industrial minerals, environmental analysis, archeomineralogy
Membership of Professional Societies
- Society of Economic Geologists (SEG, USA).
- Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) (Regional-Vice President: North Africa)
- Interanational Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD)
- European Mineralogical Society
- International Association for Sedimentology
- Tunisian Association for International Geological Studies.
- Tunisian Society for Natural Science
Research Interests
Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of ore deposits, Isotopes Geochemistry, Exploration, and environmental geochemistry related to mineral recovery.
My interests include all techniques applied to minerals and ore deposits: field geology and sampling, mineralogy, crystallography, optical mineralogy, cathodoluminescence, electron microprobe analysis, fluid inclusions microthermometry, ICP-MS analysis (Trace elements and Rare Earth Elements), stables and radiogenic isotopes (S, C, O, H, Sr, Pb), modelling.
1Department of Geology, University of Georgia, 210 Field St, Athens, GA 30602
2 Laboratoire de Minéralogie et Géochimie appliquées, Département de Géologie, Faculté des Sciences de Tunis, Université de Tunis El Manar, 2092 Tunis
3Department of Geological Sciences, University of North Carolina, 104 South Road, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3315
MINERALOGY AND PETROGRAPHIC CHARACTERIZATION OF LOCAL PUNIC PLAIN WARE FROM CARTHAGE AND UTICA: B. Maraoui Telmini, S. Bouhlel en collaboration avec : Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociale (9 Avril) Université de Tunis
Consultancy activity
- Consultant for FREEPORT SULFUR COMPANY (U.S.A.) in the project “Slat dome and sulphur exploration in northern Tunisia”, co-supervised with D. Graveson (Freeport) and Harry H. Posey (Consultant) (1988).
- Consultant in Sedimentology applied to Petrolium Exploration in Northern Tunisia for the Entreprise Tunisienne d’Activités Pétrolières (E.T.A.P.) (1990-1992).
- Expertises in exploration and mineralogy and ores microscopy for Mining Companies in Northern Tunisia (Bou Grine, Fedj-El-Adoum, Bou Khil, Bou Jaber) (1990-2006);
- Sociéte de fer de Jerissa 1992 to present.
- Company of Phosphate of Tunisia and Groupe Chimique Tunisien (since 2006).
Research Interests
Geology, mineralogy and geochemistry of ore deposits, mineral exploration, and environmental geochemistry related to mineral recovery.
My interests include all techniques applied to minerals and ore deposits: field geology and sampling, mineralogy, crystallography, optical mineralogy, cathodoluminescence, electron microprobe analysis, fluid inclusions microthermometry, ICP-MS analysis (Trace elements and Rare Earth Elements), stables and radiogenic isotopes (S, C, O, H, Sr, Pb), modelling.
Academic background
1985-1993 : Doctorat d'Etat (State Doctorate) - Faculty of Sciences-Tunis and Laboratoire de Minéralogie University Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France
Title : Gîtologie, minéralogie et essai de modélisation des minéralisations à F-Ba-Sr-Pb-Zn-S associées aux carbonates jurassiques et crétacés et aux diapirs triasiques :Gisements de Stah, Kohol, Zriba-Guebli, Bou Jaber et Fej Lahdoum (Tunisie septentrionale). 293 p. 53 fig 32 pl. (Unpubl.)
1980-1982 : Doctorat de 3ème cycle (PhD) - Laboratoire de Minéralogie University Paul Sabatier Toulouse France
Title : Distribution du baryum et du strontium dans les gisements de la province fluorée tunisienne ; application aux gîtes de Hammam Zriba-Jebel Guebli et Hammam Jédidi (Tunisie Nord-Orientale). 159 p, 47 fig.10 pl (Unpubl.)
1979 : D.E.A. (Master) - Laboratoire de Minéralogie University Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France
1978 : Maîtrise : Sciences and Technics of Geology. Faculty of Sciences - Tunis
Academic positions at the Faculty of Sciences - Tunis
- 2000 - present : Professor
- 1993 - 1999 : Maître de Conférences
- 1984 - 1992 : Associate Professor
- 1982 - 1984 : Assistant Professor
Research Periods Spent Outside Tunisia
1979-1982: Mineralogy and Crystallography Laboratory, Toulouse, France
September 1983: Centre National d’Exploration des Océans (CNEXO) Brest Center France
September 1984: Mineralogy and Crystallography Laboratory Toulouse France
Aug/Sept.1985: Centre de Recherche Pétrographique et Géochimique (CRPG) Nancy France
Sept/Oct. 1987 : Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris France / Orléans University
Sept-Oct. 1988 : Centre de Recherche Pétrographique et Géochimique (CRPG) Nancy France
September 1989 : Centre de Recherche Pétrographique et Géochimique (CRPG) Nancy France
December 1989 : Geochemistry Laboratory University Paul Sabatier Toulouse France
October 1992 : Visit to Moroc Pb,Zn ore deposits
February 1993 : Bureau de Recherche Géologique et Minière (BRGM) Orléans France
October 1995: Centre Optic Zeiss Jena , Allemagne
September 1999 : Geochemistry Laboratory University Paul Sabatier Toulouse France
September 2000 Geochemistry Laboratory University Paul Sabatier Toulouse France
September 2001 : Earth Sciences Laboratory Ecole Normale Supérieur Lyon France
Jully 2002 : Geochemistry Laboratory University Paul Sabatier Toulouse France
September 2002 : Earth Sciences Laboratory Ecole Normale Supérieur Lyon
2003-2004 : Isotope labs at the US Geological Survey Denver Colorado USA (Sabbatic year)
Mai 30 to June 4 /2005: Economics and Environment workshop Sardaigna/Italy
August 2005 : SGA2005 Meeting Beijing / China : Mineral Deposit Research
August 2007 : SGA Meeting Dublin, Ireland
August 2009 : SGA Meeting, Townsville, Queensland, Australia
University committees
- Member of Earth Sciences committee, Geological Department, Faculty of Sciences Tunis (1985-1993)
- Member of the Ph. D. Review Committee at the Faculty of Sciences Tunis (1993 -present)
Courses Taught (1983-2010)
- General Geology
- Petrology-Petrography
- Mineralogy and Crystallography
- Optical Mineralogy
- Ore deposits (Gîtes métallifères et Metallogénie)
- Industriel minerals
- Isotope geochemistry and applications
- Fluid Inclusions and applications
Communities activity
- Assembly and supplementation of a New Mineralogical Laboratory (Sample preparation, ores and rocks microscopy, Fluid inclusions), in activity at the Faculty of Sciences Tunis since 1985.
- Foundation of the Mineralogical Museum at the Faculty of Sciences Tunis (1995)
Selected Research Programs
1. Associate Researcher in French-Tunisian research program entitled: «Distribution du baryum et du strontium en Tunisie; implications métallogéniques, financed by the CNRS - France (1984-1987).
2. Supervision and implementation of the Research National Program (T2/85/FST), entitled : « les gisements de fluorine, barytine et Pb-Zn en Tunisie : Géologie, Minéralogie et Géochimie ; impacts économiques », financed by the Tunisia State Educational and Research Ministry DGRST(1985-1990).
3. Co-Supervision, with Prof. SMF SHEPPARD (France), the French-Tunisian Research Project entitled: " Géochimie et composition des fluides minéralisateurs dans les bassins sédimentaires: applications aux gîtes de Pb-Zn du sillon tunisien et de sa bordure méridionale, financed by CNRS France (1988-1990).
4. Associate Searcher in the National Research Project (T2/90/FST) entitled : Prospection des Ressources minérales associées aux faciès riches en matière organique en Tunisie du Nord-Ouest financed by the Tunisia State Educationnal and Research Ministery (1990-1994).
5. Supervisor of the national Research Project E23/C10, entitled : mineralogy and ore deposits in Tunisia, financed by the Tunisia State, Educational and Research Ministry DGRST(1995-2000).
6. Supervisor of the Research Project CMCU 98F 1003, entitled « approche intégré des appareils salifères de Tunisie du Nord (Stratigraphie, Sédimentologie, Cartographie, Minéralogie, Gîtologie et Géochimie) », financed by the French Cooperation Department France. (1998-2000).
7. Co-Supervision of the Research Project entitled « Chemical and mineralogical investigation on mine tailing and waste rocks, along the Medjerda river, northern Tunisian, impacts on water quality» (2001-2005)
8. Pb-Zn ore deposits in Tunisia and Algeria, Comparison with other Mississippi Valley Type deposits (2004-present)
9. Supervisor of the New Research Unit on “Applied Mineralogy and Geochemistry” Since January 2006.
Supervision and Direction of Ph. D. Research Thesis in Geological Field applied to Ore Deposits (Tunisia and Morocco) :
- Gisements de Fluorine de Jebel Stah et Jebel Oust. Nouvelle Thèse, University paul sabatier Toulouse (1983-1987) soutenue par SOUISSI Fouad.
- Dynamique de la sédimentation siliciclastique de l'Aptien dans la zone des avant-nappes, Thèse de Doctorat 3ème cycle, University Tunis II, Fac. Sci., 228 p. en 1995 par SOUAYED Mongi
- Le gisement d'or de Tiouit (Anti-Atlas Oriental, Maroc): Etude des phases fluides et caractérisation des géothermes, Thèse de Doctorat 3ème cycle, University Tunis II, Fac. Sci., 250 p. par JETTANE Abderrahim (1995)
- Pétrologie des matériaux carbonatés, sulfurés et strontianifères dans leur cadre stratigraphique, halocinétique et structural à Gueurn Halfaya et au J. Bou Khil (domaine des “ glaciers de sel ” et des diapirs ”, Tunisie du Nord-Ouest, Thèse de Doctorat, University Tunis II, Fac. Sci., 408 p. par KASSAA Samia (1998)
- Géodynamique au Jurassique et pétrologie des matériaux magmatiques, carbonatés et sulfurés : Exemple des districts de Tigrinine et de Bou Dahar (Haut-Atlas centro-oriental, Maroc, Tunisie du Nord-Ouest, Thèse de Doctorat, University Tunis II, Fac. Sci. 303 p. par RDDAD Larbi (1998)
- Les minéralisations de fluorine du district de Taourirt : Cadre géologique et étude des inclusions fluides (Maroc nord-oriental), Tunisie du Nord-Ouest, Thèse de Doctorat, University Tunis II, Fac. Sci., 231 p. par MOUSSA Karima (1999)